Together we can do this!
I need your help to maintain a strong council that supports the residents of Red Wing.
Please consider donations, signs, neighborhood meet and greets,
wearing a supportive t-shirt.

Signs should be placed on private property, not in the right of way. A general rule of thumb, is at least the height of the sign away from the sidewalk or property boundaries, or no closer than 15 feet from the back of the curb. They should not be in the boulevard. Thank you for hosting a sign this year.
I need your help!
I need sign locations - they will be picked up 1-2 days after the election on Nov. 8.
I also have t-shirts available so you can support your favorite local City Council Ward 3 Candidate!
Interested in hosting a neighborhood conversation? I would love to hear from you. Let's plan an event.
I'm also interested in hearing any other feedback you have on what makes Red Wing great and what you would like to see improved.

Donations Appreciated
Every dollar helps run a strong campaign to support Red Wing's future!
All donations, any amount, greatly appreciated!